May 2015

Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? See on […]

Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ Read More »

Obama’s Africa Summit: Business Agenda Rather Than Human Rights & Aid

Obama’s summit with African leaders puts human rights on the back burner in favor of investment and profit opportunities for U.S. corporations. Source: hy might leaders such as Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan, South Africa’s Jacob Zuma, and Mauritania’s Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz want to meet with members of the African Diaspora in the U.S.? The Migration

Obama’s Africa Summit: Business Agenda Rather Than Human Rights & Aid Read More »

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | The Miami Student

Source: “We don’t stop, we don’t move backwards. We move forward onto the next movement,” Marian Wright Edelman said, talking about a new civil rights movement that would fight child poverty in America. Edelman spoke in Hall Auditorium Thursday, Feb. 5. She is the first guest speaker to visit Miami this spring in the

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | The Miami Student Read More »

Never Diet Without a Bathroom Scale and Mirror: The Case for Combining Teacher Evaluation and the Common Core

Thomas Kane writes that education reform requires a massive (and difficult) change in adult behavior and, like any adult behavior change, requires feedback to succeed. Thus, he argues, Common Core implementation cannot succeed without an aligned system of teacher evaluation and feedback. Source: better teacher evaluation systems will be vital for any broad reform

Never Diet Without a Bathroom Scale and Mirror: The Case for Combining Teacher Evaluation and the Common Core Read More »

Haiti: Portrait of an Uprising – Political Aftershocks Continue Rocking the Country Five Years After the Earthquake

Port-au-Prince’s hilltop slum of Fort National offers a perfect example of the irony, agony, and struggle that grip Haiti today. Its rocky moonscape is littered with piles of dirt, debris, and garb… Source: Its rocky moonscape is littered with piles of dirt, debris, and garbage. Untold hundreds of residents died here when the Jan.

Haiti: Portrait of an Uprising – Political Aftershocks Continue Rocking the Country Five Years After the Earthquake Read More »