
Why Haiti?

When Alex Lizzappi first visited Haiti, he was devastated by what he saw and was compelled to act. The profound poverty and its impact on children were unimaginable. After the devastating earthquake of 2010, he established Haiti Now to help Haiti’s most marginalized population: Restavek girls.

Why Restavek Girls?

Restavek is a derogatory Haitian Creole term meaning “a child who lives with someone else” in a state of abuse. These impoverished children stay with marginally wealthier families and work without pay in exchange for better living conditions and access to school. In reality, they often live in terrible conditions, work for the majority of the day, and are refused an education. Restavek girls are in dire need of a safe home and education. Our programs are designed to help them achieve their full potential and effect continuous improvement in their communities. Read more

Why Accelerated Education?

An accelerated education allows Restavek girls, regardless of age or educational background, to attain a sixth-grade diploma in just three years. Many girls have never attended school before and are older than their classmates. An accelerated education will jump-start their education. Our students will have the opportunity to learn about themselves, build self-confidence, and explore their interests and potential vocations. Our goal is to enable them to become fully independent and successful adults. Learn more.

Why Should I Donate to Haiti Now?

We work directly with our recipients. We have the experience. We’ve developed a strategy based on statistical research and the latest developments in the field. We guarantee 100% of your donation goes directly to our programs. We are transparent, efficient, and committed.

Why Should I Trust Haiti Now?

We collect extensive data to measure our results and track our progress. We manage all financial resources to avoid waste and increase our efficiency. Our life-changing programs are specially tailored to create long-term solutions.

Why Should I Care About Haiti?

Caused by both geopolitics and natural disasters, Haiti’s extreme poverty is ripping families apart. Restavek girls are one of the most vulnerable populations in the world and they need our help in breaking the cycle of poverty, becoming financially independent, and creating a real chance in their communities.