Alex Lizzappi

Program Infographic

How The Residential School Program Works

Overcoming extreme poverty requires deep and wide intervention. These girls are collateral damage of slavery, colonialism, and neo-imperialism. Haiti Now has extensive experience with Domestic Servitude and has designed programs according to the needs of the very girls trapped by extreme poverty and exploitation. At Haiti Now we believe our recipients deserve our full attention […]

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survey on restave education in haiti

Restavek Education in Haiti

This is the latest installment of this blog highlighting the conditions of Child Domestic Workers in Haiti. In Haiti, many poor rural families hoping to provide a better future for their children send them to live as domestic servants in the homes of urban / semi-urban families. The majority of these children are girls and are

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the data team at Haiti Now Ayiti Now Corp

The Data Team

Haiti Now is a data-driven organization. We use data as critical evidence to help inform and influence our strategy and also to help formulate solutions for the Restavek problem. The Data Team at Haiti Now came into existence about a year ago. It started with the goal of learning more about the Restavek situation from

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