Alex Lizzappi

The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help teachers think

The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help teachers think

The Padagogy Wheel – It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy by Allan Carrington, TeachThought PD Workshop Specialist *Visit TeachThought Professional Development if you’re interested in our workshop options on the Padagogy Wheel. The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently, and with a view to long term, big-picture outcomes – […]

The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help teachers think Read More »

Haiti’s Rigged Elections. Disinformation and Propaganda 101

The fight for Haiti is on. Since Haitians scuttled the fraudulent elections and started to make their own plans, the foreign occupation has become desperate to concoct a pseudo-Haitian solution to … Sourced through from: Lie #2. Haiti’s parliament is reassembled and functional Jan 10, 2016 Miami Herald, “Martelly’s one-man rule comes to an end” Jan 11, 2016 Miami Herald, “Haiti parliament returns

Haiti’s Rigged Elections. Disinformation and Propaganda 101 Read More »

The Open University at 45: What can we learn from Britain’s distance education pioneer?

Forty-five years ago, when Britain’s Open University (OU) began broadcasting its first lectures over BBC television and radio, there were many reasons to discount its importance. For one thing, the concept of providing higher education at a distance wasn’t new: the first correspondence course, teaching shorthand, was offered in the 1700s; the University of London

The Open University at 45: What can we learn from Britain’s distance education pioneer? Read More »