Alex Lizzappi

Caracol Sonapi Codevi Shodacosa Generate Poverty and Shareholders Dividends

Sonapi a Place For Miserable Wages That Generate Slums Poverty and Shareholders Dividends. #LetGirlsLearn #Happens with #Policy #Makers #Empowering #People with #Wages + #Humanrights. #Grants to #Grassroots #Ngo. #Stop Grants & #Partisanship with $300K+ #Salaries. #Transparency. The #Girls and #Moms #Working #Garment #Factories of #Haiti are #Exploited (#Enslaved) by #US #Congress #Trade #Policies. #Reality. #Poverty

Caracol Sonapi Codevi Shodacosa Generate Poverty and Shareholders Dividends Read More »

Learning Theory v5 – What are the established learning theories?

This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning Theory v5, Organisation Kolb, Psychology Vygotsky, Psychology Bloom, Piaget genetic epistemology, Psychology Skinner, Montessori constructivism, Dewey constructivism, radical constructivism Knowledge as mental representation: 1a. Knowledge is not passively received either through the senses or by way of communication; 1b. Knowledge is actively built

Learning Theory v5 – What are the established learning theories? Read More »

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | civil rights

  Civil rights: “We don’t stop, we don’t move backwards. We move forward onto the next movement,” Marian Wright Edelman said, talking about a new civil rights movement that would fight child poverty in America. Source: “We don’t stop, we don’t move backwards. We move forward onto the next movement,” Marian Wright Edelman said,

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | civil rights Read More »