Alex Lizzappi

Never Diet Without a Bathroom Scale and Mirror: The Case for Combining Teacher Evaluation and the Common Core

Given the nature of the job, school superintendents are master jugglers.  Even so, implementing new teacher evaluation systems has been a massive challenge for many of them, because of the demands such a system places on principals, the strain it exerts on labor relations, the inherent difficulty of creating a new vocabulary to describe effective

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The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t | TechCrunch

Three years ago this week, Sebastian Thrun recorded his Stanford class on Artificial Intelligence, released it online to a staggering 180,000 students, and started a “revolution in higher education.” Soon after, Coursera, Udacity, and others promised free access to valuable content, supposedly delivering a disruptive solution that would solve massive student debt and a struggling economy.

The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t | TechCrunch Read More »

The Haitian Population Speaks Creole

Learning in a mother language (first language) is incredibly important to children’s further development and education. Early grade reading instruction should be in a language children speak and understand. When the instruction is in an unfamiliar language, an enormous amount of time must be spent first teaching children to understand, speak, read, and write that foreign language. This

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Education in Haiti

Education as a Fundamental Human Right First, in order for a country to develop, it must have the adequate human capital to do so. Second, that human capital is obtained through education. Third, that education is a pivotal part of human development, and can positively influence standards of living, health, and governance. Beginning in 1948,

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