Alex Lizzappi

An ultra-low-cost college degree

  At the online University of the People, anyone with a high school diploma can take classes toward a degree in business administration or computer science — without standard tuition fees (though exams cost money). Founder Shai Reshef hopes that higher education is changing “from being a privilege for the few to a basic right, […]

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What can the American and British education systems learn from classrooms in the developing world?

Adam Braun went to school in the US and now runs a nonprofit that builds schools in Ghana, Laos, Nicaragua and Guatemala. In contrast, Sugata Mitra—the winner of the 2013 TED Prize—went to school in India and now is a professor in the UK, where his research on self-directed learning routinely brings him into elementary

What can the American and British education systems learn from classrooms in the developing world? Read More »

School in the Cloud

School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into their innate sense of wonder and ability to work together in Self Organized Learning Envrionments. Source: School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into

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