Alex Lizzappi

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people.

Bill Clinton, in what has to be one of the most redemptive moments in international politics I’ve ever seen, publicly renounced American international food aid policies and apologized for the way in which his own tarrifs and relief strategies in Haiti effectively increased poverty and sapped the dignity of the poor.  He says, ““It was […]

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people. Read More »

Créole term restavèk

The Créole term restavèk literally means someone who lives with another; however, in popular parlance the word is a pejorative reference to servile dependence and is categorically demeaning. Less pejorative synonyms of restavèk include timoun rann sèvis (children who render service), timoun rete kay moun (children living with others), or simply timoun (literally “child”) in

Créole term restavèk Read More »

Kinship ties do not necessarily shield children from restavèk treatment or status

Kinship ties to host household heads do not necessarily shield children from restavèk treatment or status. Kinship ties and student board and room arrangements often camouflage treatment that is little different from restavèk servant children. The vast majority of restavèk children surveyed are related to host family household heads. Therefore, family ties serve as a

Kinship ties do not necessarily shield children from restavèk treatment or status Read More »

Restavèk treatment varies along a continuum rather than being sharply defined by overt placement as restavèk.

According to the language of US legislation, threats, physical coercion, or abuse of the legal process serve as the basis for defining involuntary servitude. Slavery is defined as “a person over whom any or all the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised.” Practices similar to slavery include “delivery of children for exploitation.”

Restavèk treatment varies along a continuum rather than being sharply defined by overt placement as restavèk. Read More »