
The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t | TechCrunch

Three years ago this week, Sebastian Thrun recorded his Stanford class on Artificial Intelligence, released it online to a staggering 180,000 students, and started a “revolution in higher education.” Soon after, Coursera, Udacity, and others promised free access to valuable content, supposedly delivering a disruptive solution that would solve massive student debt and a struggling economy. […]

The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t | TechCrunch Read More »

An ultra-low-cost college degree

  At the online University of the People, anyone with a high school diploma can take classes toward a degree in business administration or computer science — without standard tuition fees (though exams cost money). Founder Shai Reshef hopes that higher education is changing “from being a privilege for the few to a basic right,

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School in the Cloud

School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into their innate sense of wonder and ability to work together in Self Organized Learning Envrionments. Source: www.theschoolinthecloud.org School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into

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Two Wonderful Visual Lists of Educational iPad Apps for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Alex Lizzappi’s insight: the two lists of core apps curated for both teachers and students. As soon as I saw the titles included in these lists I knew from my own experience in reviewing educational apps that these could be a very good start for anyone of you out there trying to incorporate iPad …

Two Wonderful Visual Lists of Educational iPad Apps for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning Read More »