
National Academic Achievement

Though the 1987 Constitution of Haiti requires that a public education is offered free to all people, the Haitian government has been unable to fulfill this obligation. 94% of all children do not attend pre-primary programs (Unesco 2012). The illiteracy rate of the Haitian population is estimated at 47%. The graduation rate in primary school is below 30%.  Out of the 67% enrollment rate for elementary school, 70% continue on to […]

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The Open University at 45: What can we learn from Britain’s distance education pioneer?

Forty-five years ago, when Britain’s Open University (OU) began broadcasting its first lectures over BBC television and radio, there were many reasons to discount its importance. For one thing, the concept of providing higher education at a distance wasn’t new: the first correspondence course, teaching shorthand, was offered in the 1700s; the University of London

The Open University at 45: What can we learn from Britain’s distance education pioneer? Read More »

Michelle Obama Doha Education

Michelle Obama: To improve education, world needs an ‘honest conversation’ about women’s rights

DOHA, Qatar — While most Americans were sleeping, first lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday delivered a major speech on girls’ education, urging world leaders not to separate issues of education from wider discussions about girls’ and women’s rights.”If we truly want to get girls into our classrooms, then we need to have an honest conversation about

Michelle Obama: To improve education, world needs an ‘honest conversation’ about women’s rights Read More »

Vietnam’s Bilingual Experiment

  The country’s bilingual education programs for minority students could help close some socioeconomic gaps. At a handful of schools across Vietnam, children from ethnic minorities are finding something rare when they enter a classroom: They understand what the teacher is saying. The country is experimenting with bilingual educationfor Khmer, Hmong and Jarai students, most

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