Human Rights

labor exploitation in Haiti

Four US dollar daily wages creates wealth for shareholders and extreme poverty for workers in Haiti

Objectively, paying Haitian workers less than US$0.50/hour has produced slums and squalor. The US foreign policy to promote US corporate interests as a matter of national security has undermined Haitian sovereignty and supported a culture of labor exploitation. The aftermath of these policies is also domestic servitude. Conveniently there is a narrative that wants to

Four US dollar daily wages creates wealth for shareholders and extreme poverty for workers in Haiti Read More »

Hubert le restavek

Haiti Now interviews Gabriel Osson, author of Hubert, le restavèk

Haiti Now interviews Gabriel Osson, author of Hubert, le restavèk, to hear his thoughts and hopes for survivors of domestic servitude. Gabriel Osson is a poet, novelist and a painter. Born in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), he lives in Toronto. He gives lectures and conducts writing workshops for different audiences, whether retirees or high school students in

Haiti Now interviews Gabriel Osson, author of Hubert, le restavèk Read More »