
Democracy on Hold in Haiti

With the presidential runoff thankfully put off indefinitely, what’s needed is a transitional government leading to fair elections. Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.nytimes.com But the conditions that permit such elections do not exist in Haiti now, and are not going to suddenly emerge in the next two weeks. They have not been nurtured for the […]

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Haiti’s anti-government protests continue for fifth day

Thousands march in Port-au-Prince after the country’s presidential runoff election was put on hold indefinitely. Violent demonstrations erupted in Haiti after elections were postponed indefinitely [Bahare Khodabande/EPA] Protesters clashed with police in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince as thousands marched against President Michel Martelly’s government on a day that was supposed to see a vote to elect

Haiti’s anti-government protests continue for fifth day Read More »

Haiti Under President Martelly: Current Conditions and Congressional Concerns December 23, 2015

The entire Haiti Under President Martelly Current-122015.  Below, I have listed extrapolated parts that interested me. Political conflict embroiled Aristide and the opposition, however, and led to the collapse of his government in 2004, and Aristide again went into exile, (? forced by the US ?) eventually ending up in South Africa. Some 17% of the country’s

Haiti Under President Martelly: Current Conditions and Congressional Concerns December 23, 2015 Read More »