
Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? See on […]

Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ Read More »

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | The Miami Student

Source: “We don’t stop, we don’t move backwards. We move forward onto the next movement,” Marian Wright Edelman said, talking about a new civil rights movement that would fight child poverty in America. Edelman spoke in Hall Auditorium Thursday, Feb. 5. She is the first guest speaker to visit Miami this spring in the

Children’s activist speaks on importance of education | The Miami Student Read More »


These maps from Harvard’s Africa Map project illustrate just how diverse the African continent really is, including its thousands of languages and ethnic groups, incredible biodiversity and the locations of its most urbanized areas. Source: See on – Teaching and testing

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English Grammar Aids for Both Native Speakers and Students

Everyone can struggle with English grammar’s complexities; these apps can improve your knowledge whatever your level of proficiency. I’M going to be very careful writing this week’s column. I’m trying not to make any grammatical mistakes. FROM OUR ADVERTISERS Even though I’ve published millions of words, I’m certain some errors will slip through because we’re

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