
Impacts of Devastating 2010 Earthquake

Impacts of Devastating 2010 Earthquake on Restavek Children

Researchers canvassed all departments in Haiti and surveyed around 11,000 individuals. Particularly, the devastating 2010 earthquake affected over 1,100 — or 10 percent — of them. Additionally, the researchers surveyed over 2,000 households. Of which, the earthquake affected 10 percent. Specifically, 600 households, or around a third, had restavek, child domestic workers (CDW).   Overall,

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Haiti Now Type of Restavek Household Income

Many Households with Child Domestic Workers do Not Have any Steady Source of Household income

In Haiti, many households with child domestic workers (CDW) do not have a steady source of income. Thus, the situation improves in families without any CDWs. Also, in rural areas, CDW households with a male head have more income than CDW households with a female on. But, in urban areas, this may not always be the

Many Households with Child Domestic Workers do Not Have any Steady Source of Household income Read More »