
Never Diet Without a Bathroom Scale and Mirror: The Case for Combining Teacher Evaluation and the Common Core

Given the nature of the job, school superintendents are master jugglers.  Even so, implementing new teacher evaluation systems has been a massive challenge for many of them, because of the demands such a system places on principals, the strain it exerts on labor relations, the inherent difficulty of creating a new vocabulary to describe effective […]

Never Diet Without a Bathroom Scale and Mirror: The Case for Combining Teacher Evaluation and the Common Core Read More »

What can the American and British education systems learn from classrooms in the developing world?

Adam Braun went to school in the US and now runs a nonprofit that builds schools in Ghana, Laos, Nicaragua and Guatemala. In contrast, Sugata Mitra—the winner of the 2013 TED Prize—went to school in India and now is a professor in the UK, where his research on self-directed learning routinely brings him into elementary

What can the American and British education systems learn from classrooms in the developing world? Read More »

School in the Cloud

School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into their innate sense of wonder and ability to work together in Self Organized Learning Envrionments. Source: School in the Cloud allows learning to happen anywhere by supporting children all over the world to tap into

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Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our money? In July 2013, the well-known

Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ Read More »

A new leadership model for a new Haiti – MIT Sloan School of Management

Prime minister and cabinet members attend leadership workshop with MIT professors Professor Deborah Ancona, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Professor Michel DeGraff Two MIT professors traveled to Haiti this summer to conduct an intensive leadership workshop with the country’s prime minister, Laurent Lamothe, and more than 50 Haitian government ministers and cabinet members. MIT Sloan professor

A new leadership model for a new Haiti – MIT Sloan School of Management Read More »