United Nations

Child Labour in Haiti – What is the Government doing about it?

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MAST) holds the responsibility of defining and executing the government’s social policy in Haiti while ensuring the safety of workers in both formal and informal sectors and by granting specific protection to the family, women and children. They play an important role in fighting against child domestic labour. […]

Child Labour in Haiti – What is the Government doing about it? Read More »

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people.

Bill Clinton, in what has to be one of the most redemptive moments in international politics I’ve ever seen, publicly renounced American international food aid policies and apologized for the way in which his own tarrifs and relief strategies in Haiti effectively increased poverty and sapped the dignity of the poor.  He says, ““It was

Clinton says our generosity helped Arkansas farmers while hurting the Haitian people. Read More »

Haiti’s deadly cholera strain came from South Asia, say researchers

Cholera strain tied to South Asia HMS researchers aid effort to trace the origin of the outbreak   A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the biotechnology company Pacific Biosciences, with colleagues from Haiti, has determined that the strain of cholera erupting in Haiti matches bacterial

Haiti’s deadly cholera strain came from South Asia, say researchers Read More »

Haiti erupts in riots as supporters of Michel Martelly protest

Haiti erupts in riots as supporters of Michel Martelly protest: Outbreak of gunfire in Port-au-Prince follows disputed election results that push presidential candidate Martelly into third place. Gunfire in the centre of Port-au-Prince has left at least one person dead as violent disputes over the conduct of the presidential election continue to grip Haiti. Election officials

Haiti erupts in riots as supporters of Michel Martelly protest Read More »

7 U.N. troops hurt, attacked by Haitians blaming foreigners for cholera epidemic

PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI – Protesters throwing rocks and bottles lashed out against the Haitian government and United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti’s second largest city Monday, venting fear and anger over a cholera epidemic that many Haitians believe came from foreigners. The national police and U.N. forces used tear-gas to disperse hundreds of angry demonstrators who tried

7 U.N. troops hurt, attacked by Haitians blaming foreigners for cholera epidemic Read More »