
Principles for Using Measures of Effective Teaching

Nine Principles for Using Measures of Effective Teaching

The Measures of Effective Teaching Project (MET) is a research collaborative of academicians, teachers, and education organizations committed to investigating better ways to identify and produce effective teaching. The complete funding for this endeavor is provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Nearly 3,000 teachers from across various states of America had volunteered to […]

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Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our grant money? Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a simple question for education technology company ConnectEDU, which sought bankruptcy protection in April: Where’s our money? In July 2013, the well-known

Gates Foundation to ConnectEDU: Where’s Our Money? – Bankruptcy Beat – WSJ Read More »